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경로 빠삭 > 해외빠삭

전자제품 | gearbest] Chuwi Hi10 Ultrabook Tablet PC - WINDOWS 10 BLACK ($158.89/무…

sleep | 작성일 16-05-18 00:26 | 조회 361 | 추천 0 | 신고 0

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링크 : http://www.gearbest.com/tablet-pcs/pp_244794.html


  • 상품명Hi10
  • 제조사Chuwi
  • 가격158.89


Main Features:
CPU: Intel Cherry Trail Z8300 64bit Quad Core 1.44GHz (up to 1.84GHz) has a better performance, sixty percent power consumption reduction and almost half package areas than the 64-bit processor, delivering plenty of power for multitasking and fueling casual games and movies
GPU: Intel graphics (up to 500MHz) processor is better and faster in playing games and watching videos than the previous generation
RAM + ROM: 4GB + 64GB offers ultra-fast surfing online, video playing and 3D gaming experience enhanced with DDR3 memory which makes all applications faster. Whether it is needed for work, study or play, it will suit your all needs 
TF card: Up to 128GB (not included)
10.1 inch screen1920 x 1200 WUXGA IPS screen offers good experience for watching videos and browsing the Web
Windows 10 system: The latest system with more excellent interface, compatibility and running effect
8000mAh(Rated capacity 6500mAh) battery: Can meet the current, power and the temperature and increase the performance dynamically
Bluetooth 4.0: Supports fast transmission of data, pictures and files
HDMI output: You could use a HDMI cable to connect your tablet to output the tablet display onto TV screens, monitors or projectors, creating your personal home theater
OTG function: Can connect with keyboard, mouse, projector and so on
USB Slot: 2 X USB Host, 1 X Micro USB Slot
Gravity sensing system: Can fluently and sensitively run various applications
Other functions: WiFi/FM/MP3/MP4/Calendar/Calculator/Magnetic Sensor supported
Delicate design, portable and comfortable to touch
Note: 사진에 키보드는 포함되어있지 않습니다


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(주) 빠삭

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삐-마켓은 빠삭이 만든 새로운 개념의 커머스 플랫폼이에요. 품질이 보장된 상품을 합리적인 가격에 제안한다는 원칙과 신념을 가지고 있어요. 저희는 무한 가격 경쟁을 원하지 않아요.품질에 걸맞게 가격 보다 가치가 지켜지는 장을 만들고 싶어요. 적은 수수료와 빠른 정산이 장점인 삐-마켓에 입점을 원하시면, 주저말고 연락 주세요.
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