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경로 빠삭 > 해외빠삭

전자제품 | 맥북프로 레티나 13.3인치 싸지만 비싼

샴샴23 | 작성일 17-01-12 12:19 | 조회 749 | 추천 0 | 신고 0

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링크 : http://www.bestbuy.com/site/apple-macbook-pro-with-retina-display-13-3-display-intel-core-i7-16gb-me…


  • 상품명맥북프로 레티나 13.3인치
  • 제조사애플
  • 가격$1699.99


베스트바이에서 싸게 나오네요~


Key Specs

  • Hard Drive Capacity

    512 gigabytes

  • Hard Drive Type  Traditional, mechanical hard disk drives are the most common type of storage because they're relatively inexpensive and offer huge capacities. However, they also generate both noise and heat. Solid state drives, also known as SSDs, are many times faster than hard disk drives and have no moving parts to wear out, but typically offer far less capacity.

    PCIe Solid State Drive

  • Operating System  The operating system manages all software and hardware, including files, memory and connected devices. Most importantly, it lets you interact with your device and your programs in a visual way; otherwise, you'd be typing computer code to get anything done.

    Mac OS X

  • Processor Speed  The clock speed of the processor, measured in hertz (Hz), is defined as the number of operations the central processing unit (CPU) can carry out in a single second. Working in combination with system memory, the power of the processor determines the complexity of software you can run, how many programs you can have open at the same time, and how fast those programs will run.

    3.1 gigahertz

  • Processor Model  Your computer's processor is like its brain. Working in combination with system memory, the power of the processor determines the complexity of software you can run, how many programs you can have open at the same time, and how fast those programs will run. Most computers feature an Intel or AMD processor.

    Intel 5th Generation Core i7

  • System Memory (RAM)  Random-access memory, or RAM, is important because it helps your processor tackle multiple tasks at once. A minimum of 2GB is required for basic computing, but 6GB or more is recommended if you're into graphics and advanced photo or video editing.

    16 gigabytes

  • Graphics Card

    Intel Iris graphics 6100

  • Battery Life  Battery life will vary depending on the product configuration, product model, applications loaded on the product, power management setting of the product and the product features used by the customer. As with all batteries, the maximum capacity of this battery will decrease with time and usage.

    9 hours

  • Screen Size

    13.3 inches

  • Touch Screen  Touch-screen devices make navigating more intuitive. Using a touch-screen display, you can do things such as tap to select, hold and drag to move items, swipe to scroll, and pinch to zoom.


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삐-마켓 입점 문의
삐-마켓은 빠삭이 만든 새로운 개념의 커머스 플랫폼이에요. 품질이 보장된 상품을 합리적인 가격에 제안한다는 원칙과 신념을 가지고 있어요. 저희는 무한 가격 경쟁을 원하지 않아요.품질에 걸맞게 가격 보다 가치가 지켜지는 장을 만들고 싶어요. 적은 수수료와 빠른 정산이 장점인 삐-마켓에 입점을 원하시면, 주저말고 연락 주세요.
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