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경로 빠삭 > 해외빠삭

전자제품 | [Amazon] 합배용 Nexar 블랙박스 / 스마트폰 연동 / 32기가 SD카드 포함 ($19.5/미국내무료)

고고고씽씽… | 작성일 19-02-11 19:53 | 조회 816 | 추천 1 | 신고 0

게시글 신고 기능 안내


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아이디 댓글모음




링크 : http://링크: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07KJ9LPG7/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A1EHOL8KFRDCP0&ps…


  • 상품명블랙박스
  • 제조사Nexar
  • 가격$19.5


뽐뿌 펌 입니다.










Nexar - Powered Dash Cam for Car, Cloud Storage of Video Clips, Auto Quick Start and Power Off, Sony CMOS Video Sensor, SD Card Included, G-Sensor





5불 클립 + 코드









  • 【POWERED BY THE SMART NEXAR APP】 This dash cam syncs directly with the free Nexar app. When used together, the app can detect dangerous events on the road like crashes or sudden breaks and automatically saves the dash cam footage of these events on the FREE cloud account. Always have the evidence you need, all from your phone.
  • 【FREE CLOUD STORAGE】 The Nexar app automatically records dangerous events on the road. These short clips are saved for FREE on your personal cloud account and can be accessed anytime, from any device.
  • 【1-CLICK COLLISION AND SPEED REPORTS】With the Nexar app and dash cam, you can collect all the evidence you need after a collision with Nexar’s 1-Click Report. The 1-Click Report summarizes key information about a crash including dash cam footage, speed, g-force and location of the crash in a report that you can use as evidence or send to your insurer. Did you get a speeding ticket? Nexar can also give you a speed report.
  • 【EVERYTHING WORKS AUTOMATICALLY】 Using Nexar synced with a dash cam couldn’t be easier. Installation takes only 10 minutes, and the app will automatically start and stop recording when you start and stop driving.
  • 【FULLY EQUIPPED WITH FREE SD CARD】Along with the dash cam, you’ll also get an installation kit, windshield mount, dual socket power adaptor and charging cable. To top it off, you’ll also get a 32GB sim card, a $12 value, free.










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삐-마켓 입점 문의
삐-마켓은 빠삭이 만든 새로운 개념의 커머스 플랫폼이에요. 품질이 보장된 상품을 합리적인 가격에 제안한다는 원칙과 신념을 가지고 있어요. 저희는 무한 가격 경쟁을 원하지 않아요.품질에 걸맞게 가격 보다 가치가 지켜지는 장을 만들고 싶어요. 적은 수수료와 빠른 정산이 장점인 삐-마켓에 입점을 원하시면, 주저말고 연락 주세요.
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